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The Santa Fe Trail Association

The Santa Fe Trail Association is composed of people of all ages and walks of life who are bound together by an interest in the fascinating saga of the Trail, and an interest in preserving its many physical traces and landmarks that still exist upon the face of the American West. While many of them live in the immediate vicinity of the Trail, the SFTA is proud to claim members from all over the United States.

In 1821, the Santa Fe Trail became America's first great international commercial highway, and for nearly sixty years thereafter was one of the nation's great routes of adventure and western expansion. Mindful of this, the Santa Fe Trail Association (SFTA), a non-profit association with a 501 (c)(3) status, was created in 1986 to help protect and preserve it. The U.S. Congress likewise recognized the significance of the Trail to American history by proclaiming it a National Historic Trail in 1987.

Fort Larned Old Guard

Fort Larned Old Guard (FLOG) membership is open to anyone interested in the history of Indian-white relations on the Great Plains and historic Fort Larned (1859-1878). FLOG was founded as a nonprofit corporation with a 501(C) 3 status in 1988 as the official friends' organization "to provide support for Fort Larned National Historic Site beyond that given by the federal government. It will augment living history and other programs, raise funds for the purchase of special equipment, and promote the history, resources, and interpretation of the site." FLOG has purchased important items for the Fort Larned Museum and purchased and preserved the site of the Cheyenne Dog Soldier/Oglala Lakota village that was captured and burned by Gen. W. S. Hancock in 1867, which created a war where none existed. FLOG assists with public programs at Fort Larned NHS.